4 Possible Jobs in ESG That You Could Work In

ESG has come a long way. What was once only a concern for niche investors is now a priority for the majority of investors, customers, employees, and corporate stakeholders. And for a good reason. With easier access to information, more people are waking up to their impact on the planet and how every decision they make affects it.
That said, the adoption of ESG in the corporate sector has created employment opportunities too. Companies are looking to hire people with ESG experience to take up different roles and help them achieve higher ESG ratings. With higher ESG ratings, they attract more investors as well as customers.
So, if you’re passionate about making an environmental or social impact, you can carve out a career in ESG. So, what are some possible jobs in ESG today?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
If you have ESG experience, one of the focus areas you can explore is corporate social responsibility. Professionals working in this space are usually tasked with ensuring that a business is ethical and responsible in its interactions with customers, employees, and the greater community it operates in.
The work involves developing appropriate CSR initiatives, implementing them, and monitoring as well as improving where needed. Now, CSR jobs are not limited to just one field but cut across all industries.
As a sustainability expert, your work is to help companies minimize their impact on the environment.
Depending on the company’s specialization, this could mean developing and implementing better waste management practices, finding and moving to more sustainable raw materials, or switching to energy-saving/ renewable energy options. Your day-to-day job will be brainstorming, developing, implementing, or overseeing sustainable initiatives or strategies.
Supply Chain Management
Companies with a production flow are also seeking ESG experts now more than ever. As an ESG expert in supply chain management, you will be tasked with developing and implementing sustainable strategies and practices in all processes, from procurement of raw materials and production of goods to the point where the goods reach the end user (customer).
So, these jobs can be pretty diverse, depending on the company and specific role. As for industries, they cover technology, food & beverage, energy, pharma, transport, logistics, etc.
ESG Consulting
There are also growing career opportunities in ESG consulting. As an ESG consultant, you will work hand-in-hand with various companies to develop their ESG strategy. Your job may also include assessing companies’ sustainability efforts and reporting on their ESG performance.
Alternatively, you could also do ESG investor consulting, where you help investors find and invest in ESG-compliant stocks and funds.
Possible Jobs in ESG Will Keep Growing as ESG Implementation Increases
The ESG space is fast rising. And so are the jobs you can explore. So, if you are interested in working in the field, this is the time to seek the necessary skills and certifications. Currently, there are a variety of programs you can take that provide certification, so try and do thorough research to comb out any courses or opportunities that could open doors for you in ESG.