A New Study Reveals the Association of Gum Disease with Impaired Lung Function

A recent study conducted by a group of scientists revealed that Sargam disease tends to decline lung function. This dental study evaluated the relationship between lungs.
Let’s know more about the details!
Gum Disease – Why is it About?
Periodontitis or gum disease is a type of gum infection that causes damage to your gums. Gum disease and other oral health problems are treated routinely in top hospitals in Pakistan. If not treated in time it can destroy teeth supporting bones. There are many common reasons behind gum disease. These include:
- Plaque buildup is basically the bacteria buildup on your teeth’ surface
- Tobacco in any form whether coming through smoke or tobacco chewing can also result in gum disease
- Certain medications can also reduce the amount of saliva produced in your mouth that resulting in gum disease
- Hormonal imbalance also serves as an essential cause of gum disease
- Vitamin C deficiency can also be harmful to your gums
- Another reason for gum disease can be a crowded mouth that tends to promote the growth of bacteria in your oral cavity
- Gum diseases can also be in your genes and having a family history significantly increases your chances of suffering from the illness.
Though you can’t control all the factors for gum diseases, good oral hygiene and other lifestyle interventions can be a great help in minimizing the damage due to gum diseases, told a renowned dentist from Dentistree during an awareness workshop on gum health.
Research on Gum Diseases and Lung Function
Recently, a study was presented at a periodontology and implant dentistry congress. European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) organized this congress where scientists discussed research on the established link between gum diseases and decline in lung function.
“Our study indicates a link between periodontal disease and lung function meaning that good dental hygiene may benefit both oral and respiratory health,” said Dr Anders Rosland from the University of Bergen, Norway.
This was a follow-up study of previous research that found the link between the removal of plaque and symptom improvement among patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Experimental Details
This current study included more than 1000 participants including 513 men and 508 women having an average age of 44 years. Regular dental check-ups including x-rays and oral examinations were part of this series of experiments. Other than this, the extent of inflammation and severity of gum diseases was also assessed.
The patients were found to have two different degrees of gum diseases. 28% of the patients were found to be suffering from moderate periodontitis and 7% of patients had a severe type of periodontitis. Among people suffering from mild and severe gum diseases, the habit of smoking was found to be common.
Then the association of severity of gum diseases was studied with lung function using two parameters called forced expiratory volume (FEV) and forced vital capacity (FVC). With an increase in the severity of gum diseases. It was seen that lung function started declining revealed by the low level of both these parameters.
“All measures of lung function deteriorated as gum disease worsened. In addition, as gum inflammation became more widespread throughout the mouth, some of the respiratory values tended to worsen. A decline in lung function may indicate airway inflammation, possibly originating from inflamed gums and the inhalation of dental plaque, which contains bacteria. If this link between gum disease and lung function is confirmed, this could provide the rationale for periodontal treatment and oral hygiene programs to improve oral and respiratory health,” said Dr Rosland.
He also said that “more research is needed to evaluate causality. Whether lung function can be improved with periodontal therapy.”
Bottom Line!
Gum disease or periodontitis is a common condition that can originate from several causes. From plaque formation to the deficiency of vitamin C, many things are responsible for gum diseases. Though it is quite possible to control the spread of periodontitis. If left untreated it can cause irreparable damage to your teeth. Recently a study was conducted to evaluate the relation between gum diseases and reduced lung function. This study coincides with the previous findings. However, there is more research required in this regard to study this in detail and fully understand the mechanism involved.