Understanding High Cholesterol – Causes, Diagnoses & Control

Our body is a complex structure that holds several substances in the blood. Blood itself has a variety of substances that are responsible for various bodily

Our body is a complex structure that holds several substances in the blood. Blood itself has a variety of substances that are responsible for various bodily functions and fulfill the body’s requirements. Such a substance is cholesterol, which is a waxy compound present in your blood and is responsible for building healthy cells in the blood. However, an increase in cholesterol levels can put you at higher risk of heart disease.

What Causes High Cholesterol Levels?

Cholesterol travels in your bloodstream by attaching to proteins. When proteins and cholesterol combine, they form a bond called lipoprotein. There are various types of cholesterol, depending on what lipoprotein carries. Generally, there are two types of lipoprotein: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

1. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as the “bad cholesterol,” carries cholesterol fragments throughout the body. But why is it bad cholesterol? That is because due to the transport of LDL in blood, the cholesterol builds up in the walls of your blood arteries, which makes them narrow and harder than usual, causing several medical issues.

2. High-density lipoprotein (HDL).

On the other hand, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is said to be the “good cholesterol” as it is responsible for eliminating excess cholesterol and bringing LDL back to your liver to break down. This property of HDL gives it the name of good cholesterol. A cholesterol test measures the levels of LDL and HDL present in your body.

Furthermore, there are some health conditions that can cause LDL cholesterol levels to increase, including chronic kidney disease, diabetes, lupus, hypothyroidism, and HIV/AIDS. However, a cholesterol test at home in Dubai also measures the amount of fat in your blood, which is called triglycerides. Anyone who has a high level of triglycerides has a higher chance of getting a heart attack and several other cardiovascular diseases.

Factors that Contribute to Increased Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels

There are different factors that can support the formation of unhealthy cholesterol levels in your blood; let’s explore them:

1. Poor Diet

Individuals who consume excess saturated or trans fats are at the risk of having raised unhealthy cholesterol levels. Mostly, saturated fats are present in full-fat dairy products and fatty cuts of meat. At the same time, trans fats are commonly found in desserts, packaged snacks, and processed foods. It is always recommended to reduce and control the intake of such foods and diets, and one should always consume a balanced diet.

2. Obesity

Obesity is also a disease, and it opens the door to other diseases. It is sometimes inherited, and people with improper dietary habits are prone to get obese. According to many medical professionals, it is essential to monitor your body mass index (BMI). Individuals with a BMI of 30 or greater than 30 are at risk of high cholesterol levels. You can manage your diet and add physical activity to your daily routine to reduce weight, become healthy, and reduce the risk of cholesterol-related health issues.

3. Lack of Exercise

A lot of people nowadays have an unhealthy routine, due to which they tend to have more chances of medical issues, including high cholesterol levels. Health and fitness professionals advise you to include 30 to 40 minutes of daily exercise in your schedule. When you perform consistent exercise, it helps your body boost your HDL levels, which is the good cholesterol that breaks down and eliminates the LDL.

4. Smoking

There are multiple bad habits that contribute to health concerns, including having high cholesterol. One of those habits is smoking; even the cigarette packet says, “Smoking is injurious to health.” Still, people don’t stop smoking. Smoking is observed to lower your HDL levels, and this lack of good cholesterol causes the LDL to increase, ultimately increasing the chances of getting high cholesterol and several harmful diseases, including high blood pressure and heart attack.

5. Alcohol

Research says that alcohol is bad for your overall health. People who drink too much alcohol end up having elevated total cholesterol levels, which is dangerous and even life-threatening to your health. Who doesn’t want a healthy life? Health professionals recommend reducing and stopping the consumption of alcohol to avoid major diseases and promote healthy well-being.

6. Age

Age is one of the factors that you cannot control. As we age, we become less tolerant of diseases, and there is more chance of getting different kinds of diseases. One of those diseases is high cholesterol; even children can have unhealthy cholesterol in their bodies, but it’s way more common among people over 40. As you age, the liver loses its ability to remove the LDL cholesterol; that’s why doctors advise reducing the intake of an unhealthy cholesterol diet.

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How to Diagnose High Cholesterol Levels?

It is viable to take a cholesterol test or a lipid profile from a certified medical provider who provides detailed and accurate testing, from a stool test, blood test, and a urine test to cholesterol tests in Dubai. Usually, a blood sample is taken to check the cholesterol levels in the blood. It gives a complete evaluation report of total cholesterol, HDL levels, LDL levels, and triglycerides present in the blood.

The testing procedure is not too complicated; however, you have to fast before this test, as experts recommend stopping the intake of foods or other liquids except water for 9 to 12 hours before undergoing a cholesterol test at home.

How to Control Cholesterol Levels?

Doctors recommend taking some proactive steps to control your cholesterol levels, including physical activity and exercises, a healthy diet, portion control, avoiding junk, etc. People who have sedentary lifestyle habits, including unhealthy diet, lack of physical exercise, and inactivity, are at risk of getting increased levels of cholesterols and triglycerides that cause various medical concerns.

However, there are some cases where it becomes hard for you to control your cholesterol, such as a family history of high cholesterol, due to which your body has naturally raised cholesterol levels, making it difficult to remove LD cholesterol from your bloodstream.

The Final Words

In short, it is crucial to understand and maintain cholesterol levels to ensure a good heart and overall health. There are certain factors that may contribute to high cholesterol levels, such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices, which you can manage to stay healthy, and if neglected, it may result in high cholesterol levels. One must take regular health checkups and cholesterol tests to stay updated about their health, and this allows them to act quickly in case of health issues.

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